Thursday, January 17, 2013

Schudson presents some interesting points in his writing.  Media does often constrain us in our efforts to make a bigger argument.  Journalists especially present a narrow viewpoint, but that is only so the reader can hopefully get more out of it. This is because journalism does more often than not focus on events, particularly centering around the rich and powerful.  Why focus on an average-joe when a politician's sex scandal has surfaced?  It will sell more papers and attract a wider audience.  People are more interested in the happenings of those in the public eye.  Also, those who are in professional positions that hold much power deserve in the opinion of the public to face scrutiny.  People do not trust those who run our government regardless of the circumstances.  The freedom of the press to report on the manipulative nature of politicians gives the people the idea that they have some power and say in the political matters.  It also keeps politicians honest.  One Journalist can report a quote or policy of a politician, and if that said politician says something contrary to his stance then the media will be able to pick up on this lie.  Journalism exists to keep the powerful honest, even though they aren't always.

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